Monday, June 23, 2008

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This church looks almost plain compared to the others that I've been taking pictures of but its simplicity is what I find so compelling. It was easy for me to capture that Post Card look I was striving for. I am looking forward to coming back and explore further the inside and its history. All in all I made two trips to this church and am glad I did. I completely missed the Cemetery located just west of the church on my first visit.

As I make my way along the byway its hard not to stop at churches I've already completed to take a moment and look for shots I missed or a chance to get a picture with a better sky, or just to admire the cross tipped spire reaching for the heavens. When was the last time you took time to reflect, to savor a moment, to look about and say WOW? Finding God is easy when you look for him.

(Click on the Crucifix for a full size picture to see the detail)

(Go to Description of the Byway to see full picture of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

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