Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Saint Augustine

You can see the twin spires of the St. Augustine church and water tower long before you reach Minster. This church is large, impressive and was a challenge for me to photograph. The light never seemed right no mater what time of day I would stop by. It was so big I was having problems fitting it all in and doing it justice. My goal for all the churches was to have a Post Card quality picture for each church. I had found several nice pictures of St. Augustine on the Internet and was looking for my own shot to add. You can see my picture in the Description of the Byway Post.

The frosted glass at the top is found on all the front entry doors. I am not sure if they are three of the Apostles or some other Saints. I thought it was a rather modern and unique feature. The above is a close up of one of the towers featuring the clock.

This close up of one of the spires gives you a good look at the cross tip and detail in the roof. While not so apparent to the naked eye, the cross gives off a wonderful golden glow when the setting sun hits it. Check out the cross tipped spire at the top of the Description of the Byway post to see what I mean.

On more than one occasion while taking pictures people would stop and share a comment about the church I was photographing. I was impressed with the sense of pride echoed in their remarks. From the young to the elderly and everything in-between, the people I met clearly felt connected. Their pride was one of ownership not just the beauty of the brick and mortar.

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