Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Way of the Cross

I was searching the Internet for more information on the Stations of the Cross when I came across the web site of Tom Zarb's online collection of prayers and meditations "The Way of the Cross".

As I read through the various stations and interpretations I was struck with a flash back to my days in Scouting. While attending leadership training, we were instructed to collect 12 pebbles through out the day and have them in our possession for an evening gathering at dusk. That was the only instruction we received.

At dusk we gathered with our rocks and waited. We were led to a path that we could see was lit along the way with buckets and signs. One by one we were sent down the path with the only instruction to be silent. Approaching the first light and sign it was easy to see we were on the path of the 12 points of the Scout Law. I reflected on the point and instinctively plopped a pebble into the pail and moved onto the next station. Afterwards we were seated in an outdoor area and the director of the camp talked to us about our Journey on the Path of the 12 points of the Scout Law.

He shared that he had made the journey himself many times and pulling a pebble from his pocket said "You know I have always struggled with Thrifty". There was no moan from the crowed but it was clear to us that most of us should of had a rock or two still in our pocket.

As I read through the various prayers and meditations I thought what a wonderful way to deepen your walk with God. As I made may way from station to station I started to get the feeling I was missing something. That's when the flash back came, and that' when I realized that so much more could be accomplished here if I just put my heart into it. It's like reading the bible to be reading or reading the bible to know God. I could go through this and just drop my pebbles along the way or I could take an honest spiritual inventory and ask myself "What do I need to leave at the foot of the cross?"

The Way of the Cross are 14 stations that begin with Christ being condemned, following his path to the Crucifixion and ending with his burial. Sometimes a 15th station is added to include the Resurrection. This has led me to the discovery of the Stations of the Resurrection which I hope to cover in a future post.

(Pictures taken at the Shrine of the Holy Relics)

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