Sunday, September 7, 2008

St. Francis Memorial Crucifix

I found this church while detouring off of 119 on my way to St. Henry. It's not on the byway map but definitely worth a look. Take 127 South off of 119 then West on Cranberry Rd, just out side of St. Henry. This church like so many other rural churches is adjoined by a cemetery. I just love shooting these Calvary Memorials.

Taking pictures of The Land of the Cross Tipped Churches has been and still is a learning experience for me. So I don't always leave with what I came for. I am sad to say I did not get a decent outside picture of the building.

Update 2012 - I recently revisited the church and sadly it is no longer their. Not sure why it was removed.

Memorial Crucifix
Saint Francis Catholic Church
Cranberry Prairie, Ohio

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