Monday, January 19, 2009

Holy Trinity Catholic Church (Indiana)

There is one church designated as in The Land of the Cross Tipped Churches that is not in Ohio. It is located just a few miles west of the border as you follow State Rt 29 which turns into 67 when you reach Indiana. The Holy Trinity Catholic Church is what you will find if you follow this path. As you can see, I got my wish for some snow pictures. The dusting of the bushes and trees make for a nice effect.

Unlike most of my outings, this one was not a picture one. This was one of those I will stop and take a look on my way to another destination. As luck would have it, it was on the way, but I could not spend the amount of time I would have liked.
Unfortunately because of my limited time, my creativity was very limited so these are just the basic shots. The stations of the cross were paintings and labeled in German. Here is a complete picture of one. followed by a close up of another. These are either fairly new or very well preserved/taken care of. They look like new compared to some of the other paintings of the Stations I've seen
The main altar pictured here is a lovely ornate dark wood.

Here is a closeup of the crucifix on the altar.

Above this is a relief of the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Off all the stained glass windows the one above the entrance was my favorite

This one located in the balcony was the most unusual that I have found.

It was a short but a great picture shoot. This is just a small sampling of the picture opportunities that this church affords. It is well worth the extra mile or two if you made it as far as St. Anthony on your tour. I hope to someday have the time to come back and take more pictures.


  1. OK...I have to say that the spoon picture is awesome!

  2. I'm pretty sure the labels on the stations are German, not Latin.

  3. That church looks very much like St. Gaspar near Bellevue, OH (also built by Precious Blood order):

  4. Thanks Kate,

    Everyone at Christmas was looking at me like I was insane as I tried to take that picture Christmas Morning. The back story is I always carry on in the restraunts when I would get soup with a soup spoon and how our lack of made home soup less the enjoyable.

  5. Thanks Kurt,
    I corrected the post.

  6. Kevin,

    I have not been to St. Gaspar but even in our local area some share a resemblance to one another but yet each are unique.

  7. These pictures came out darker than I wanted. Sometimes I think it is the laptop that I use to Edit. I am going to look at and re-edit a few of these on another laptop and see if I can improve on them. I didn't notice it until I brought the post up on another PC.

  8. Oh, now ... THIS - IS - WHAT - I - LOVE!!

    Inside and out, this is just about perfect! Seems like the SE Ohio countrysides have some real church treasures to boast of!

  9. Yes Shari,

    This part of Ohio has a fair share of these German Catholic churches close together. Thus the name The Land of the Cross Tipped Churches. I am enjoying exploring and taking pictures of them.

    Thanks for the comments and becoming a Follower of my Blog.

  10. Thanks for the great photos of Holy Trinity Catholic Church. In the late 1970s, I and Mary Niekamp of St. Henry conducted the research and prepared the nomination to the National Register of Historic Places for the Land of the Cross-Tipped Churches. The 42 parishes were located within a 23-mile radius of the Maria Stein Convent at Maria Stein. We included churches, convents, seminary, rectories, cemeteries and school, all associated with Father Francis de Sales Brunner and the Society of the Most Precious Blood. I still give personal tours for friends and university associates. A great exhibit is at the Maria Stein convent. I grew up at Fort Recovery where the beautiful Catholic church, one of many designed by the DeCurtins family, was demolished during the Vatican II craze. I appreciate your photo expertise that help preserve this great architectural, religious, and historical treasure in West-Central Ohio, and Holy Trinity in Indiana. Mary Ann (Brown) Olding

  11. Thanks Mary,

    I'd like to thank you for your efforts in getting these churches on the National Registry of Historical places. Without your hard work, who knows how many of these churches would still be standing?

    I would love to do a post on you and your friends and how you accomplished this miracle of preservation.

    Thanks for the great comment and support.

  12. This was my childhood church, though I haven't been inside in years.

    The stations are original or nearly original, to my knowledge. The entire church underwent a huge renovation in the early nineties (I think), and all of the "modernized" paint was stripped off the plaster, railings, and the stations. When I was a child, the church was pinkish-beige with white trim and the stations' frames were painted white.

    The altars were imported from Germany soon after the church was built, though I don't know the exact year. They were originally gold-leafed, but it wore off over the years. The gold leaf was re-done in the renovations.


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