Sunday, March 1, 2009

March Weekly Journal 2009

Welcome to my Weekly Journal. Each month I create a post to collect my thoughts and meanderings for the month. You can quickly find this post as it drops down the list by clicking on the Weekly Journal Link at the bottom of the Web Page.

03/29/09 What happend to March?

Spring is here and March is all but gone and I have no idea where it went. Things have been so busy that I haven't even watched a complete NCAA game. It has been a good month for pictures and my blog. If I can squeeze out a few more post I will have averaged 1 post a day for the month of March! I doubt if I can keep that pace up. My blog is on track to possibly break 900 visits this month. And the best part is the wonderful people I have met and continue to meet along my journey of the Cross Tipped Churches. Add John and Ernestine from Radio Maria to my growing list of new friends. My schedule got so crowded that I missed the Butterfly and Bloom shoot with the New Bremen Camera Club. I am a little bummed about missing that one.

I am going to attempt to change the format/layout of the blog. Nothing drastic pretty much the same black theme and colors but a two column full page template. Basically one large column and one small one using the entire page instead of just the middle.

03/17/09 Happy St. Patrick's Day and More

St. Patrick's Day - I didn't have a picture of St. Patrick that I liked, so I searched the web and found a Stained Glass window that I did. In the future I hope to have a suitable picture that I took for future Saint Days.

500 or Bust - The Cross Tipped Churches photo album has a limit of 500 pictures. I wasn't sure what would happen when I reached the limit. Well it happened this weekend and I didn't even know it. It just started a second album. COOL.

Cross Tipped Church Outing - I had a great outing this week after work. I got to revisit two churches and check out two new ones. I will post them throughout the week.

Once Upon a Mattress - My son was in his high school musical and of course I was there taking pictures. I will post those in my Think Focus Click Blog.

Butterfly and Bloom - This photo outing has been rescheduled for March 28. I will post those in my Think Focus Click Blog.

Radio Maria - I met the staff and got a tour. Very nice people and of course got a few pics while I was there. I will post those after I get a few more pictures to complete the post.

03/10/09 Picture Updates

Been too busy to take any new pictures--good thing I have plenty in the archive that I have not posted. Next couple of weekends are busy as well so it might be a while before my next church picture shoot.

My last two post have been collections of pictures that I thought made for a good grouping. I am always looking for new, exciting and fun ways to display pictures in the blog to keep things fresh.

03/02/09 Great Weekend

I had one of my best photo shoot weekends. I shoot three churches and came up with some real beauty's. Best of all I got to meet and talk with David (The Egyptian).

Seasonal/Holiday Picture - I've added a picture at the top of the blog to represent the season or holiday. This woven crucifix that I took for Lent is my first and was my find for the day. The picture was taken at St. Joseph in Egypt.

03/01/09 March Madness

March is turning into quite a picture fest. This weekend I just finished taking pictures at St. Joseph in Wapakoneta, St. Patrick in Glynwood and St. Joseph Church in Egypt. I have another wrestling shoot scheduled for March 7 and a Butterfly and bloom one scheduled for March 14.

St. Jacobs Lutheran Church Anna - This church has the most wonderful collection of stained glass windows that I have ever seen. I will be shooting these over the next couple of weeks during my lunch hour.

The Best of 2008 - I have decided to make a post of the best of 2008. In the future this will be the first post of the new year.

The Direction of the Blog - Well I hate to keep flip-flopping on this issue, but I have decided not to try and cover all the Cross Tipped Churches by the end of the year. I was not happy with the quality of the pictures I was getting with the quick and dirty shoots.

BLOG MILESTONE - I got over 500 visits to my blog in the month of February. Very small numbers compared to some blogs but it's the most I've gotten since I started the blog in June of 08.

Monthly Poll - As some of you may have already noticed there is a poll. In an effort to get more feed back I am going to run a new poll each month. Please make sure to cast your vote and don't forget about the 1 Star, 2 Star and 3 Star rating you can give each post.

Radio Maria - I will be doing a series or at least one post on the Local Catholic Radio Station. The first meeting has been set.

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