Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me (Matthew 27:46)

Close-up of bronze crucifix with stained glass window in the background

Jesus shout of despair from the cross, not surprisingly comes from scripture. Psalm 22 is David's lament of his feeling of abandonment from the God he sought with all his heart. The feeling that most of us at sometime in our life will feel. As you read the Psalm you see bits and pieces of the crucifixion. Psalm 22:7-8 All who see me mock me; they hurl insults, shaking their heads: He trust in the LORD; let the LORD rescue him, Let him deliver him, since he delights in him.

Bronze crucifix with stained glass window in the background

The side bar in my Promise Keepers Study Bible says "In their darkest, most critical hours, both David and Jesus submitted to God the Father. Study this psalm as an instructional booklet on how a man of God responds when God seems nowhere near."

Why is it the simpler a biblical truth is the harder it seems to follow!

Picture of Crucifix taken at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Cassella, Ohio.

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