Thursday, March 12, 2009

My First Lent

The church my wife and I were attending did not promote the practice of Lent. So without much instruction my wife and I decided to give it a try and give up all carbonated beverages. I found out quick that I was addicted to Pepsi. I would count down the days to the weekend and look for substitutes through the week. Nothing would satisfy my craving. Unfortunately my obsession obscured my opportunity to grow in my faith.

Outdoor Lent Cross with shadow

I have since matured in my walk and have a better understanding and appreciation of the season of Lent, but I have always looked at it as a time of sacrifice (of giving something up). I was cruising the net on the subject and found this Q and A.

Q: What are appropriate activities for ordinary days during Lent?

A: Giving up something we enjoy for Lent, doing of physical or spiritual acts of mercy for others, prayer, fasting, abstinence, going to confession, and other acts expressing repentance in general.

I never thought of the "doing of physical or spiritual act of mercy for others" as something to do in observance of Lent. For those of you who have grown up with the practice this is probably not much of a revelation but it was for me. One that I plan to put into practice for the next Lent Season.

Click the following Link to read more of the article: All About Lent

Picture of Cross taken at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in McCartyville.

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