Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Saint Joseph (Wapakoneta) II

The Stained Glass windows in this church are worth the trip alone. I am not sure what is going on in this one.

This three pane window of Saints was opposite the Nativity.

Jesus praying in the garden is partially obscured by the balcony, but I was still able to get a pretty good shot.

Here Jesus meets the sorrowful women of Jerusalem.

Joseph and Mary find Jesus teaching in the Temple after being missing for 3 days.

This is a closeup of Jesus from the same picture.

I'll end with this closeup of Jesus carrying the cross.

And yet there would be more if I had the time. Maybe another post is in order.


  1. Great work on the windows.

    I think the first window is St. Martin of Tours:

  2. Thanks Kevin,

    I think you nailed this one. Thanks for the link to....It's a great story of faith.


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