Friday, March 20, 2009

Vestibule of Saint Louis Church in North Star

Small statue of John the Baptist baptising JesusThese pictures are from the vestibule of the main entrance to the Saint Louis Church in North Star Ohio. This first one is John the Baptist baptizing Jesus. It sits atop the baptistery, a common site in the Catholic churches. What made this one special was all the light I had to work with coming through the glass doors. I must admit that these are not the exact true colors. The figures blended in too much with the wall so I created some contrast in post processing.

This large medallion of Madonna and Child hung on the wall left of the entrance to the sanctuary. I almost had too much light for this one, but I was able to make some in camera tweaks and of course some post processing as well to bring it along.

Large white plaster relief medallion of Madonna and Child

Look for another post in the near future for more pictures of this lovely church.


  1. I love the pic of the Madonna and Child. I love the near absence of color except for the rose. Very beautiful...nice work Russ!

  2. Thanks Kate,

    I just love it when my fellow photographers drop me a a line. You picked-up on everything that drew me to this compostion. You know that the majority of folks just walk bye and not give it a second glance.


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