Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Family of God (An Answer to Prayer)

It's the phone call or in this case the text every parent dreads ("Your child is hurt"). My wife text me instead of phoning because she knew I was in a meeting and while I probably wouldn't answer the phone, I might sneak a peek at a text. I flashed the message to the person who was sitting next to me and said I have to go.

Cell phone LCD screen with text message Tyler passed out at school. Ambulance taking him to ER.In my haste I forgot that my wife had dropped me off at the meeting. So I'm scrambling around the parking lot looking for a car that isn't there. Of course I feel stupid once I remembered, but all I could think about was my son being rushed to the ER. I could of just ran back into the meeting and asked for a ride, but I don't know if at that point I was too embarrassed to do so or my mind was still muddled with concerns about my son. Instead I took a brisk walk to the ER. It's a small town and the hospital wasn't far. I made it in less than 10 minutes. Note I said brisk walk not run. No need for both of us to be in the ER.

My son had just arrived and had just came to. He had been out/unresponsive for over 20 minutes. He was groggy and not very coherent. All kind of wild thoughts were running through my mind on what could be going on with my son. In the long run after a battery of test including a spinal tap. We knew nothing. The good news was that Nothing BAD showed up in the test. The frustrating part was nothing conclusive showed up either.

The short story and good news is all is well with Tyler. We are chalking-it-up to a nasty virus and lack of proper rest. However during the course of his stay in the ER an amazing thing happened. When I arrived I was greeted by the former pastor of a church my son had recently visited and done some youth activities. Tyler's name had gone out on a prayer chain before he even made it to the hospital. The former pastor was joined by the current pastor and his family and a youth worker and several youth from the church. Five of Tyler's Classmates were there as well as a teacher. Our own youth pastor rounded out the list. The response of the Family of God to my son's illness was overwhelming.

I am thankful to God and the people He has put into my son's life and for their many prayers. I am positive they are what led to his speedy recovery.


  1. Glad to hear that Tyler seems to be OK. The inconclusive test results can rule some things out, but they unfortunately leave you with the questions of what just happened, will it happen again, and what do we do about it?

    We'll keep Tyler in our prayers!

  2. Michae;, I agree its just cool when the God moments happen to you.

  3. Thanks Kurt,

    The CAT scan revealed that he had a significant sinus infection. He had not eaten well that day, and had just finished playing basketball and tennis. We think his fever spiked and caused the seizure/blackout. We have obviously been monitoring him closely and made the necessary Dr. follow-up visits, but for now things look good. Thank You for your concern and prayers.

  4. I'm glad your son pulled through and seems to be doing better! Hang in there and Happy Easter!

  5. Thanks Kimberly,

    Tyler has completly recovered and we had a fantastic Easter with all our kids and grandchildren.


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