Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Immaculate Conception Church (Stations of the Cross) Botkins Ohio

Collage of the last six Stations of the Cross (9-14)The Church had a great set of the Stations of the Cross. These were large bronze reliefs lining the side walls of the sanctuary. I was able to photograph all of them from about the same distance and in the same light. Wow, that hardly ever happens. I like them in Black and White but the bronze doesn't look bad either. I was planning on posting all 14 stations but somehow I missed one. Just another excuse to go back I know....Once I do manage to get all 14 look for "A Way of the Cross" post featuring them. Not sure if I will go with Black and White or the Natural Bronze. I went with BW on the collage because I was having a problem getting the bronze to match in all the pictures. The collage is made up of the last six Stations of the Cross. The pictures are not major crops as you will see pictured below these pictures are just minus the frame. After looking at them some more I think the Bronze is growing on me.

Bronze relief of sation 2 of the Stations of the Cross.Bronze relief in black in white of Station one of the Stations of the cross.

Yep, definitely going with the Bronze. (After a Little More Careful and Selective Editing).


  1. Maybe a bit more contrast at least in the blacks.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to leave your comment. I agree and I have made some adjustments for the upcoming post. I should really go back and re-shoot. I failed to meter these properly and they all came out slightly overexposed. Which for the most part I can fix, but it’s always better to start with a good capture in the first place. My saving grace was I shot them in RAW.


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