Monday, April 6, 2009

Reflections of Christ

Reflections of Christ in stained glass windows reflected in glass of display case on opposite wallI wasn't so sure how well this was going to come out. Seeing something and capturing it with your camera sometimes comes up short.

I had stopped by the church on my lunch hour to snag a few pictures when I spotted this on my way out. What you are seeing is not PhotoShop. This was the reflection of the stained glass windows reflecting in the glass of a large display case on the opposite wall.

This is my new favorite capture of the year and will be added to my Picture of the Week Gallery.

On a spiritual note it reminds me of how we are to reflect Christ in our lives and how we should be a living witness to the Lord.

Picture taken at St. Jacobs Lutheran Church, Anna Ohio.


  1. I really like this one, especially the coloring. For printing, I would boost the saturation just a wee bit to really make the colors pop. Great job!

  2. Thanks Kin'Xp,

    We'll give it a shot. I sent you the reqested info.

  3. Thanks Kimberly,

    I agree the colors could use a little boost.


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