Wednesday, July 1, 2009

St. Marys Catholic Church Philothea

I took off after work and went to the Church of Saint Mary's in Philothea. I have no idea on how you pronounce the name. I had never been there before my visit to the church. Like so many of these churches just a few buildings and homes surrounded by farm country. It has been awhile since I have been to any of the Cross Tipped Churches much less a new one. It was nice to be able to take my time. More time than I planned in fact. More on that later. READ MORE ...

I was hoping to get the pictures of the outside before we got the much needed rain we needed. It was really starting to cloud up while I was taking these.

I found this Grotto as I made my way around the church.

Inside I found a very lovely church. I went upstairs in the balcony to get this picture of the altars.

I wonder what idiot photographer left his gear bag in the chair for the picture.

These are just a couple of the stained glass windows.

This altar candle was my best picture of the day.

My other favorite was the processional crucifix with the stained glass window background.

I almost missed this mural on the ceiling.

The Stations of the Cross were small reliefs.

This Pieta was hidden in the shadows. I tried to capture it with flash without killing the shot.

I noticed the cemetery just up a ways from the church. I headed out there for a look and hopefully get a few pictures.

The inscription at the base of the Crucifix Memorial is in German. You're on your own for a translation.

Done and ready to go home I head back to van, only to find my keys locked inside. So I called my wife who would make the 45 minute drive after her meeting finished. So I headed back to the church and took a few more pictures while I waited. I took this picture while I waited on the steps of the church.

I am not a fan of marathon post like this, but it has been so long since I've done one of the churches, I decided to let you have it all at once.


  1. The translation's easy enough if you notice the last line. It's Revelation 14:13, the one that starts "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord..."

  2. Its pronounced flow -THEE -ah , some of the locals shorten it by leaving the ah off the end when in a conversation, usually the old Low German speakers do it

  3. Thanks Jeffrey,

    It's always nice to hear from you.

  4. Thanks Egyptian,

    I would have never came up with that on my own.


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