Monday, August 31, 2009

Sacred Heart of Jesus (Archive)

Still exploring my hard-drive for pictures from the past. The Sacred Heart of Jesus was one of the first Churches I visited when I started taking pictures.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Saint Wendelin

Still pulling pictures from the archive as I try and gear back up on taking pictures of churches for the Cross Tipped Church Blog. I could have swore I took several pictures of the outside of this church but I cannot find them. These were taken on my one and only visit.

This last one I took on my way out.

August Weekly Journal 2009

Welcome to my Weekly Journal. Each month I create a post to collect my thoughts and meanderings for the month. You can quickly find this post as it drops down the list by clicking on the Weekly Journal Link at the bottom of the Web Page.

Aug. 30, 2009 Another Slow Month

Summer has been busy, between paid photo gigs and life there just has not been much time. I can barely keep up with my other blogs.

The Show/Display of the Cross Tipped Churches for February 2010 at the Amos Memorial Library in Sidney is a go and I have been spending some time planning and getting ready for it. I know Feb 2010 seems like a long ways off but it takes time to put a large show together.

Next Church Photo Shoot - I was hoping to get a chance to take some pictures this weekend of the St. Bernard church, but alas I ran out of time. Plus the weather was not cooperating. Looks like it will have to wait and be my first post in September.

Sidney Applefest - I plan on putting some pictures in this, this year. They have a new category called between the fences that I find very interesting and challenging.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Archive)

Gee its been so long, I couldn't wait to go take pictures before I made another post. I found these in my archive and decided to make one. These were taken on my first trip inside the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary church. I am pretty sure I have not posted these before.

I am hoping to come back soon and do just a study on the Stations of the Cross. READ MORE...

Here are few of the altar.

This is just one of many wonderful stained glass windows.

Saint Wendelin.

This is the sculpture that anchors each Station of the Cross.

I am hoping to get out soon and get some new pictures with a fresh new outlook.