Wednesday, September 30, 2009

St. Rose (Main Altar Sculpture Reliefs)

Relief sculpture of Christ Crucifixion

The main altar of St. Rose has relief sculptures both at the top and bottom. At the top left Christ Crucifixion and Death. Followed by Christ Resurrection on the right.

Relief sculpture of Christ Resurrection

The bottom relief is the Institution of the Eucharist.

Relief sculpture of the Institution of the Euchariest

These four panels line the bottom as well. Notice the dice in the panel with Christ Garments.

Brass relief of Crown of Thorns with Three Nails and the Face of Christ in Veronica's Veil

Brass relief of Christ Garments with dice and Instruments used in the Crucifixion

Not to be left out an no less amazing are the wooden carvings found in this church. Look for those in my next post.

Dave the Egyptian posted the following comment. It was so informative I added it to the post. Thanks Dave.

Russ you may already know this but the ambo and front altar are made from the communion rail parts and the carvings there are from the gates of said rail. the stand holding the song numbers is made from the additional fretwork that was removed from the altars decades ago, found hidden locally and reused, the main and side altars used to have huge amounts of fret work on them, much of it cracked and had to be repaired or removed, at least they saved some of it

Thanks Dave, It's tidbits like this that continue to amaze me and make me want to dig deeper into the history of these churches.

Monday, September 28, 2009

St. Rose Mary and Joseph Altar Reliefs

Relief Sculpture of the Annunciation

You cannot help but notice the stained glass windows when you enter this church, but as beautiful as they are I find the relief sculptures to be just awesome. Pictured above is the Annunciation found on the Altar of Mary. The Death of Joseph, pictured below is depicted on the Altar of Josepth.

Relief sculpture of the Death of Joseph

Look for the sculpture reliefs from the Main Altar in my next post.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

St. Rose (Face Lift)

While on my recent outing, I stopped by St. Rose Catholic church and found the church in the middle of a face lift.

Inside and not in need of a face lift I found the Patron Saint Rose.

Friday, September 25, 2009

St. Joseph Wapakonetta (Joseph and Jesus)

I posted a winter picture of this statue of Joseph playing with a very young Jesus before. This time I thought I'd come back and spend some more time with it.

This next one is my favorite of the bunch.

The statue is located outside of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Wapakonetta.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Olea Sancta (Holy Oil) St. John the Baptist

The Catholic Culture Dictionary gives this explaination for the Holy Oils:

Sacramentals blessed by a bishop. There are three kinds: oil of catechumens, holy chrism, and oil of the sick. The first and third are pure olive oil. chrism has in the oil a mixture of balm or balsam. In 1970, the Congregation for Divine Worship declared that, if necessary, the holy oils may be from any plant and not only from olives. The holy oils are symbols of spiritual nourishment and the light of grace. They are used in the public administration of baptism, confirmation, and anointing of the sick. The blessing of the holy oils normally takes place on Holy Thursday by a bishop at a cathedral church. After distribution locally they are kept in locked boxes in the ambry. Unused oils, a year later, are burned in the sanctuary lamp.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Institution of the Eucharist (High Altar) St. John the Baptist

Pictured here is a brass relief of the Institution of the Eucharist on the front of the High Altar. It just amazes me the artwork and craftsmanship I continue to find in these lovely old churches.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

St. John the Baptist (Stations of the Cross)

This church has a nice set of the Stations of the Cross. This is just three of the fourteen stations.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

St. John the Baptist Alpha and Omega (Doors)

This church has three doors entering and leaving the church. The side doors have the stained glass Alpha and Omega emblems above the door.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

St. John the Baptist (Entrance)

One of the things I completely missed on my previous visits to this church was these two portraits in the entry way.

Monday, September 14, 2009

St. John the Baptist (Side Altar Grouping)

Well I finally made it out to take some new pictures. While St. John the Baptist is not a new church it was nice to come back with a fresh set of eyes. When I revisit a church I am always on the look out for seasonal additions, changes, or things I missed on my previous visits. On today's visit I found plenty of new material. I thought I'd start with this grouping of elements that caught my eye.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Immaculate Conception (Botkins) Archive

Here are a few more from the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Botkins.

The Stations of the Cross in the church are bronze, I just liked it better in Black and White.

I used the PhotoShop Poster Edges filter on these last two.