Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Humanity of Jesus In Stained Glass

It always amazes me on how artist are able to capture the humanity of Jesus in stained glass. I used PhotoShop to add my own artistic touch.

The stain glass window is Jesus praying in the garden. The window is from St. Joseph in Wapakonetta.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Joyful Mysteries (In Stained Glass)

I took these this weekend at St. Joseph in Wapakonetta. This set of pictures will be featured in my upcoming show of the Cross Tipped Churches at the Library in February.

The Annunciation.

Fruit of the Mystery: Humility

The Visitation.

Fruit of the Mystery: Love of Neighbor

The Nativity.

Fruit of the Mystery: Poverty (poor in spirit), Detachment from the things of the world, Contempt of Riches, Love of the Poor

The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple.

Fruit of the Mystery: Purity, Obedience

The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple.

Fruit of the Mystery: True Wisdom and True Conversion, Piety, Joy of Finding Jesus

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cameo Monnin

Cameo Monnin, is the local artist responsible for the restoration of the statues of St. Remy's Church in Russia Ohio. She is currently working on some other restoration projects for the church. Look for some upcoming post featuring her progress and work.

Pictured here is the Pieta statue before it was restored (Picture courtesy of Cameo Monnin).

This is my picture of the restored version that now greets visitors at the door.

The transformation is remarkable. You can see more before and afters of the work she has done on her website Cameo Designs.

This post also is another Cross Tipped Church Milestone as it is my 200th Post.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pearl Cemetery Fall

What do you do when your bored watching football? You take a quick break and go to a local cemetery for some Fall foliage shots. Other than field tree lines this was the closest thing to fall I could find in time to make it back for the next kick off.

I plan on taking some church pictures this weekend.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

St. John Freyburg Cemetery

I took Sidney-Freyburg to Wapakonetta and found the St. John Cemetery in Freyburg that I had missed on my previous visits.

Some of the church cemetery's are located beside or behind the church and some like this are located some distance away.

I have always been fascinated with the Crucifixion monuments you find in Catholic Cemeteries.

I rarely pass without stopping and taking a picture if I have the time and my camera.

Friday, October 2, 2009

St. Rose Wooden Carvings (Part 1)

The detail sculptures and carvings in this church are simply amazing. I am calling this Part 1, because I ran out of light and time and only got pictures of these two main carvings. The first one pictured at top is "I think the story of Joseph meeting his brothers in Egypt during the famine". The second one is pictured below and I must admit I am not sure what story it tells. Hopefully one of my viewers will fill in the blank. My guess would be the Story of Ruth and Boaz at the threshing floor.