Saturday, November 28, 2009

St. Joseph (Altar Stained Glass Windows) St. Joseph

There are two stained glass windows to the left and right of the altar of the St. Joseph church located in St. Joseph. The one on the left (pictured above) is Jesus breaking bread. I am not sure on the one on the right (pictured below).

These windows are fairly high up on the wall. I could not truly appreciate the texture and detail until I looked at the pictures I had took.


  1. The window in question is the high priest Melchizedek blessing Abram (see Genesis 14:18-20) - this image is often used in the sanctuaries of Catholic churches because Melchizedek's action is seen as a prefigurement of the Eucharist.

  2. Thanks Chase,

    I appreciate the info and you taking the time to make a comment.


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