Monday, December 28, 2009

Prayer Request

Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.

Picture taken at Sidney YMCA.


  1. Hey Russ, great shot. Did you notice the bulletin board where the requests get posted? Its just down the hallway from the front desk. My favorite part is when people write back to share how God answered their original request. Best wishes in the final wek of FF. Should be an interesting one, I wish more of my guys were healthy. Ed

  2. Thanks Ed, I did not know about the Bulletin Board. I will have to check it out the next time I am at the Y. It is always wonderful to see how God works in other poeples lives.

    My wife and I plan on getting a three month membership to start the New Year. Just what I don't want but seriously need is more exercise in my life....Oh I can feel the pain as I type....

    As for Fantasy Football..Please allow me the pleasure of putting you out of your misery this final weekend as we go head to head for unfortunately for both of us NOT FIRST PLACE. Oh the shame, the shame, the shame.

    Yes Cross Tipped Churches Fans, I Russ Martin AKA Steeple Chaser am a Fantasy Football Geek.


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