Monday, March 26, 2012

Lent Prayer

Father, teach me your way this week. Teach me how to leave my selfish, sinful ways at the foot of the cross, and teach me how Jesus my Savior is willing to bear those sins in his own body and be punished for them. Lord, how can I thank you for this great salvation? I worship you and your amazing power: Jesus is greater than death, and could not be conquered. When he died, I know that my sins were destroyed: it happened "once for all time". And when you raised him three days later, you taught us that we too could be raised. I confess my many sins Lord Jesus: I lay them down at the foot of the cross. I turn away from them and ask you to give me a new way of living in the world. Walk with me this week, Father. Teach me your way.

Crucifix - St. Augustine Catholic Church (Minster Ohio)


  1. This is beautiful! I found myself gazing at it and imagining the great sacrifice. How He cried out for want of thirst in His humanity, begged God to forgive us in His understanding, longed for reconciliation with the Father as He hung on the cross bearing our sins, "Eloi, Eloi, la ma sa bach tha ni?!" "Father Father, why have you forsaken me?," wept for us in His compassion, healed us in His mercies, gave to us in His grace. How could I ever breathe a breath without Him?

  2. How do you work the little thing on the bottom, Russ? Would you rather comments be posted to the thing with the little construction man? I'll need step by step instructions if so. I'm happy to oblige. God bless you.


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