Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pour Out Your Heart

Psalm 62:8
 "Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us" (ESV).

 Did you notice what comes before pouring out your heart? Trusting in God--at all times, no matter what's going on in your life. It's a lot easier to pour out your heart or share what's really on your mind with someone you trust. Do you trust God with what's on your heart? He is the most trustworthy Friend you could ever have. Not only that, He's the only one powerful enough, wise enough, compassionate enough to take care of you.

What do you need to pour out to God today? Picture it filling a bottle or pitcher. Don't be afraid of what God might think or say about your struggle. Just pour it out; empty it from your heart and into His capable hands.

 The above text comes from the Back to the Bible - Bible Study - Pour Out Your Heart.

 Copyright © 2012 The Good News Broadcasting Association, Inc. (Back to the Bible) Lincoln, Nebraska, USA Used by permission. All rights reserved

I love the way these pictures I took of the stained glass windows at St. Wendelin went so well with the story.

Stained Glass Windows
St. Wendelin Catholic Church

1 comment:

  1. I love them as well!! I don't know how you present them so well, perhaps the sharp images with such bold and metallic colors against the black. I only know it's amazing to look at. Unique.


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