Monday, August 20, 2012

Eucharistic Minister

This is one of my favorite groupings in this church. I have posted a previous picture with three crosses. I like the way the one cross faces forward where you can read the words and the other hangs side ways.

Eucharistic Minister Cross 
Saint Michael Catholic Church 
Fort Loramie Ohio


  1. There's no doubt about it, you have the photographer's eye. I wonder if it might be possible somehow to get a copy of this poster image of Jesus on the cross on the left of your blog (the one that says "believe" beneath it) for my blog, complete with a link to you of course. I can't take my eyes off of that!

  2. Thanks,

    This one will probably make 2012 top ten. And of course you can post my photo. I will send it with instructions as soon as I get a chance. I am training for a half marathon and it is taking up quite a bit of my time.


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