Friday, September 21, 2012

Saint Catherine of the Wheel

The Story and History of Saint Catherine
Catherine of Alexandria (also now known as Saint Catherine of the Wheel) was of noble birth, the daughter of Constus, governor of Alexandria in Egypt. She was extremely well educated and was receptive to new ideas. She converted to Christianity and started to preach the faith to many learned people. At this time Gaius Valerius Galerius Maximinus (c. 270 - 313) and Roman emperor from 308 to 313 was persecuting Christians. Emperor Maximinus offered Catherine a royal marriage if she would deny her faith in Christianity. She refused and was scourged and thrown into prison. The wife of the Emperor became curious about the young girl and was converted to the faith by her teachings, as were many Roman soldiers. When the emperor discovered this they were all put to death. Catherine was broken on the wheel and then beheaded.

When I took a closer look at this stained glass window I noticed the broken wheel. This led to a search on the Internet and I found the above explanation. You can click here Catholic Saints for more of the story. What an amazing story of faith.

Stained Glass Window
Saint Micheal Catholic Church
Fort Loramie Ohio


  1. Yes what an amazing story of great faith, and can we ever imaging what some people have gone through in areas of hatred such as in those who would kill believers in Jesus.

  2. I am always amazed when I read the stories of the martyrs. Thanks for stopping by.


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