Saturday, October 27, 2012

Station XI - St. Aloysius

Station of the Cross 
Saint Aloysius Catholic Church 
Carthagena Ohio

The Path of Christ

Close-Up Station of the Cross 
Saint Charles 
 Carthagena Ohio

Cemetery Crucific - St. Charles

Cemetery Crucifix 
Saint Charles 
Carthagena Ohio

Mary Grotto - St. Charles

Mary Grotto Statue 
Saint Charles 
Carthagena Ohio

Aloysius - From Saint Charles

Aloysius Catholic Church
 Carthagena Ohio

Monday, October 22, 2012

St. Charles - A Closer Look

Saint Charles Seminary
Carthagena Ohio

Friday, October 19, 2012

St. Charles - Praying Mary

Sometimes I get lucky and the light is just right. This is the best picture I have taken of this statue so far to date.

Praying Mary Statue 
Saint Charles 
Carthagena Ohio

Thursday, October 18, 2012

St. Charles - Cemetery and Stations

I was hoping for more fall color but, I still think I got some nice shots of the cemetery and stations.

Cemetery and Stations 
Saint Charles Seminary 
Carthagena Ohio

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fall Path

Fall Path - Cemetery 
Saint Charles 
Carthagena Ohio

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

St. Charles - Statue and Cross

It was extremely windy when I took this. I was hunkered down between my car and the open car door to shield me from the wind. It was so strong I could not stand out in it with out getting jostled by the wind.

 Statue and Cross 
St. Charles Seminary 
Carthagena Ohio

Monday, October 15, 2012

Welcome to St. Charles

This is the Status that greets all the visitors to the St. Charles Seminary in Carthagena. The statue is located at the end of the long lane that has become a signature pic for the site.

St. Charles Seminary
Carthagena Ohio

Sunday, October 14, 2012

St. Charles Seminary - Station One

We went camping this weekend with a couple of the grand-boys and had I great time trick or treating at the camp grounds. The pop-up we rented was from Davis Campers in North Star so I stopped at St. Charles and took some pics after I dropped the trailer off.

The large Stations of the Cross that Surround the cemetery look very similar  to the ones at The Shrine of the Holy Relics. Unfortunately some of these are in need of repair and most of them were dirty with litter. Station I - Jesus is Condemned - pictured here was one of the better ones.

And yes I used a little post processing magic to add a little pizazz .

Station One of the Way of the Cross
Saint Charles Seminary
Carthagena Ohio

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Diary of a Steeple Chaser

October 2, 2012 

Well as you know I took sometime off last month to catch up on a few things. And wouldn't you know it, I caught up on absolutely nothing. Now October is here and it looks even worse as for having anytime to blog. I didn't even live up to my promise of continuing the Way of the Cross and Post Card Series.

So for those of you who follow my blog, first off -- Thank You and second, it is going to be awhile before I get time to take and post more pictures. I even missed the YWCA Tour of the churches I was so looking forward to going on.

I would hate for October to come and go without any new pics. I was really hoping to get some cool fall pics with the churches. I will try my best but have given up on making anymore promises. 

Take Care All and God Bless