Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Edward Elgar - Lo! Christ the Lord is born

This video was created from images from my website. He was kind enough to ask for permission first.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wise Man

Nativity Wise Man 
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church 
McCartyville Ohio

Gloria In Excelsis Deo

Glory to God in the highest 
Nativity Angel 
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church 
McCartyville Ohio

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Jesus Meets His Sorrowful Mother

Mosaic Station of the Cross 
St. Augustine Catholic Church
Minster Ohio

Saint Joseph Altar - St. Augustine

Saint Joseph Altar
St. Augustine Catholic Church
Minster Ohio


I found this hymnal just as you see it here. The window lighting and reflection in the church pew made this picture for me.

St. Augustin Catholic Church
Minster Ohio

Friday, November 29, 2013

Holy Water Bucket and Sprinkler


Friday the day after Thanksgiving, I went out and took some pictures in The Land of the Cross Tipped Churches.  I have taken and posted pictures of this same holy vessel before but this is a fresher composition and I really like the way it came out.
Holy Water Bucket and Sprinkler
St. Augustine Catholic Church
Minster Ohio

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Cemetery Crucifix
St. John Cemetery
Fryburg Ohio

Praying Angel - Black & White

Praying Angel Statue
St. John Cemetery
Fryburg Ohio

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Lord Of The Harvest

Matthew 9:35-38

35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Cemetery Crucifix
St. John Cemetery
Fryburg Ohio

To Thee I Pray

Praying Angel
St. John Cemetery
Fryburg Ohio

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Forever In Christ Jesus

Cemetery Crucifix
St. John Cemetery
Fryburg Ohio

Fallen Fall Memory

Memorial Flag
St. John Cemetery
Fryburg Ohio

Saint John Cemetery (Fryburg) Fall

Monument Cross
St. John Catholic Church
Fryburg Ohio

Friday, August 30, 2013

Christ Abstract

Is it just me or does anyone else think this would make for a great T-Shirt.

Mary Holding Jesus

Pieta Statue
St. Wendelin
Saint Wendelin Ohio

He Has Risen, He Has Risen Indeed

Resurrected Christ
St. Henry Catholic Church
Saint Henry Ohio

St. Charles Seminary BW Post Card II

This is a new one for the Black and White Post Card Series. This is the second one for the St. Charles Seminary.


Station of the Cross
Shrine of the Holy Relics
Maria Stein Ohio

Friday, August 23, 2013

Pretty As A Post Card

Saint Wendelin Catholic Church 
St. Wendelin Ohio

This is my favorite from the Black and White Post Card Series I did in 2012. Sadly I never got back to that project.

A Healing Prayer

Picture of painting The Virgin in Prayer lit by candel light.
A Healing Prayer

At Cana, the Mother of Jesus said to the servers,
"Do whatever he tells you." John 2:5

Jesus, heal our lives,
our broken spirits,
our hearts and minds,
our body and soul.

Jesus hear our prayer;
You know our weakness,
our struggle and pain,
for You too have suffered.

Jesus Listen in love
as you once did at Cana
to your Mother Mary,
and respond in mercy.


The Virgin In Prayer Candle Lit Portrait
Saint Michael Catholic Church
Fort Loramie Ohio

The Last Supper

An oldie but a goodie. This is one of my favorite pictures from this church.

Brass Altar Relief 
St. John the Baptist Maria Stein Ohio

Thursday, August 22, 2013

David's Psalms of Repentance (Psalms 51 and 32)

One of my pics was used for an online bible study. How cool is that. And they even gave me credit for the pic. Click on the link to check out the bible study.

David's Psalms of Repentance (Psalms 51 and 32)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Christ Mosaic

Christ Carrying Cross Mosaic
St. Augustine Catholic Church
Minster Ohio

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Guardian Angel Prayer

 Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day [or night] be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

St. John Catholic Church
Fryburg Ohio

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Real vs Electronic - Flip Phone Tour

Finding electronic votive candles in place of real ones at the St. John Catholic Church in Fryburg took me a little by surprise. They are the first ones I have came across since I have been touring the churches. I would love to hear from my Catholic Followers on how they feel about the electronic votive candle vs a real one.

Electronic Votive Candles 
St. John Catholic Church 
Fryburg Ohio

Eucharist Grapes - Flip Phone Tour

I've posted a picture of these before but I must say I think the Flip-Phone camera did a pretty decent job.

Eucharist Grapes  Stained Glass Window
St. John Catholic Church 
Fryburg Ohio

Pieta Statue - Flip Phone Tour

I have posted similar pictures of St. John's Pieta so this will look familiar to some of you. It is such an iconic figure and add that to the back drop mural and it is simply just too beautiful not to take a snap. I caught it today it great window light. Not too bad for a flip-phone.

 Pieta Statue 
St. John Catholic Church 
Fryburg Ohio

St. John Fryburg Ohio - Flip Phone Tour

It has been quite sometime since my last post. I took a bike ride today and as luck would have it I went right by the St. John Church in Fryburg Ohio. I did not have my camera but I did have my Low-Tech-Flip-Phone that did have a camera. So while the quality is not up to my standers I thought it would be neat to start a Flip Phone Tour.

The Flip-Phone I am using is a Verizon Samsung - The cheapest they sell. Only $14.95.

 St. John Catholic Church 
Fryburg Ohio

Monday, January 28, 2013


Cemetery Statue
Saint Paul Catholic Church 
Sharpsburg Ohio

Our Lord

Found this inspiring grouping while visiting the St. Louis church in North Star.

Table Literature 
Saint Louis Catholic Church 
North Star Ohio

St. Louis Vintage - First Attempt

This is my first attempt at the Vintage Poster Card Look. I am not sold on this one but still thought it came out pretty cool.

Saint Louis Catholic Church 
North Star Ohio

Station IX

Station of the Cross
Saint Louis Catholic Church
North Star Ohio

The Old Rugged Cross

Station of the Cross
Saint Louis Catholic Church
North Star Ohio

Accepting The Cross

Station of the Cross 
Saint Louis Catholic Church 
North Star Ohio

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top Ten Pictures 2012

Station of the Cross - St. Charles

Statue - St. Charles
Steeple - St. John Fryburg

Cross and Candles - St. Michael

Immaculate Heart of Mary - St. Michael

The Way of the Cross - St. John Frybrug

Crystal Crucifix - No Longer on Display
Crucifix/LOVE - St. Paul
Station of the Cross - St. Paul
Memorial Day - St. Wendelin

2012 was a very good year both photo and blog wise. I posted more post than I ever had before and gave the blog a new look. It was difficult to come up with my 10 best photos this year. There are quite a few that I could of easily added if I wanted to do more than 10.

Happy New Year - Steeple Chaser