Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Peace To You

So often I come across words that have no meaning to me as I explore these wonderful churches. It's that part of explore and discovery that I love so much. While visiting the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary I came across this stained glass window.

Stained glass window of hourglass with wings

I was pretty sure I understood the winged hourglass but had no clue what PAX VOB stood for. In my research I found this great explanation from a church website that has documented their church extremely well.

Close up of stained glass window of hourglass with wings

We see an hour glass with wings. This symbolism is that time is fleeting. Only Eternity is lasting. The oil container below the hour glass has olive branches along its sides and the words 'Pax Vob'. Before time stops for us the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is God's way of helping us prepare to meet him. From the olive branches we get the oil used in the Anointing of the sick person. Oil is the symbol for spiritual strength, which the sick person needs at the time that person is physically the weakest. 'Pax Vobiscum' (Peace to you) are the first words of the Rite when the priest begins the prayer for the sick, "Peace to all of you in this house".

Related Links: Tour of our church

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