Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Weekly Journal 2009

The Weekly Journal
Welcome to my Weekly Journal. Each month I create a post to collect my thoughts and meanderings for the month. You can quickly find this post as it drops down the list by clicking on the Weekly Journal Link at the bottom of the Web Page.

April 29, One More Format Change

This weekend I plan on making one more significant change to the layout of the blog. I am going to add a Read More feature to the post. This way I can display a picture and text with the option to Click "Read More" to see the rest of the post. I think this will work well and compliment the current full page layout I am using.

April 26, First Holy Communion and St. Marks Baptism.

This weekend was a good one for pictures. While I didn't make it to any of The Land of the Cross Tipped Churches, I did take quite a few church pictures.

This Saturday was my Granddaughter Emily's First Holy Communion and Sunday I was invited to take some pictures of the Baptismal Service at St. Mark's in Sidney. Saturday was a bit of a struggle as I was not feeling well but I got some very nice pictures.

April 21 Another Change and Missed Opportunity

I was able to find the code that would let me put all my labels into a drop-down box. I am very happy with that.

I was planning on doing a post on the Divine Mercy for this last Sunday but prior commitments took up my time.

April 16, New Navigation Buttons

My Buddy Michael thought I should have buttons instead of text for navigating the post. My son Tyler came up with these in about 20 minutes in PhotoShop. Pretty Cool . Thanks Tyler.

April 14, The Way of the Cross

Starting this Sunday I am going to post the 14 Stations of the Cross. I am going to use the pictures I took at the Immaculate Conception Church in Botkins. I will post a new station each week/Sunday. I am going to use the St. Paul of the the Cross for the text.

April 13, New Header

Well I finally got my new and improved header installed. The new side panels are stained glass windows from the Immaculate Conception Church in Botkins. I plan to keep these as the norm and swap them out from time to time with Holiday or event related content.

April 10, Radio Maria and Up Coming Post

Radio Maria
Well......I would of liked to of had a picture of a broadcast in process at the Radio Maria Headquarters and pretty blue sky with clouds when I shot the transmitter in Botkins.....but I felt I had held up on posting my visit to Radio Maria long enough. The post is scheduled for this Saturday.

Up Coming Post
While taking pictures of the transmitter in Botkins I stumbled upon the Immaculate Conception Catholic church in Botkins. It is very modern compared to the churches I have been shooting. I plan on visiting this weekend and featuring it in next weeks post.

New Format
I am still working out the kinks in the recent Face-Lift of the blog. There are probably more changes to come.

April 6, New Format

I finally took the plug and went for it. I formatted all my previous post to best take advantage of the format I was using at the time. So some of the older post will not display correctly. I will work on these as time allows but the best part is I will make all future post to take advantage of the new format. I am still working on fixing my Header to fit the new look.

I moved a few things and got rid of a few others. Along with some color and font changes I also plan on changing the way I post. Look for smaller more frequent post than long marathon ones.

Blog Ranked 7.7 at Blogged - I submitted my site on the Blog Directory site Blogged and received a 7.7 rating. Please feel free to review my blog with your own ranking and thoughts.

April 1, More Blog Milestones

I had over 60 hits in one day and just over 1000 for the month.

April Fools Day - I was hoping to have some type of image for this special day, but came up short once again. This time I had a little help from a nasty virus which has slowed me down a bit.
Tots to Teens Workshop - There is a workshop focusing on taking pictures of little ones and teenagers April 8, in Columbus, Ohio. I am planning on attending this. Taking pictures of people is not my strong suite. I am hoping this will help and improve my skills.

More church shoots will be forthcoming as soon as I start to feel a little better. I still have a few shots that I haven't posted from previous outings I can use until then.

Last Months Poll - Well there were a total of 10 votes in my poll of more or less Black and White Photos. There were 4 votes for more and 6 for less. Not a very decisive number of votes, but I will keep the results in mind.

Format Change - Look for the layout of the blog to change this weekend. Nothing major just going to a full page layout. May cause some of the older post to display improperly. I will tweak these as I have time.

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