My time was limited and as you can see by this shot the church was occupied. A group of kids were rehearsing the Passion of Christ. So I was limited in what I was able to shoot.
The stained glass windows are remarkably similar to those I found in St. John in Fryburg Ohio. Long tall slender arches with medallions of focus at the top.
On the left we have the Archangel Gabriel who appeared to Mary and announced to her "You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High" (Luke 1:3-32).
On the right we have one of the seven angels in Revelation. "And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets" (Revelation 9:2).
This is the first time I have came across St. Patrick. The shepherd's staff represents his being a bishop of the Church, and the shamrock his great love of Ireland. Notice he is stepping on serpent which supports the legend that he drove out all the snakes in Ireland. A metaphor for his life long fight against evil.
Here on the left altar we have St. Ann mother of Mary, St. Joseph - Husband of Mary and St. Peter the Apostle.
The main altar features Mary with the Christ Child.
While Saint Patrick was my find of the day, this stained glass window lit statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was my favorite shot of the day.
I have plenty more pictures but this is all I am posting for now. I'll save them for another day.
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St. Mary Delaware Catholic Church
Does Canon have an attachment that will enable you to get your flash off the camera and stretched out as far as your arm (or another arm) can go? These are usually moderately priced but a valuable aid.
Yes, Canon has such an attachement to move the flash off of the camera. It is one of my top next three things to get.
Battery Grip
Good Camera Bag
Flash Extension Cable
Thanks for the tip.
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