The phone rings, I pick up and it's our oldest son Ryan. "Get your camera and go outside the sunset is awesome." That was pretty much the whole conversation. So I grab my gear and head outside. My son lives in town, we live in the country. Were not that far apart (15 miles) but I wasn't seeing what he was seeing. Still maybe just on the other side of the tree line. I decide what the heck I'd drive west and see what happens. I figured I'd go as far as McCartyville and if nothing was going on I'd just return home and watch NCIS.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is in McCartyville and has a wonderful cemetery. The Station 12 of the Cross or as I like to call it memorial to Calvary is one of my favorite subjects. This one came out very muted in twilight.
The picture at the top was taken when I first got there while there was still quite a bit of light. I think it came out with a very spooky feel. Of course I wanted to try and capture some of the sunset so I turned my attention on the monument that first caught my eye. On this shot I experimented with my flash compensation and backed my flash off by about 2 stops. The resulting picture is not too bad, but still not quite what I wanted.

Cemetery Crucifix
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church
McCartyville Ohio
I love, love, love the first shot. You're right, it is quite spooky and just in time for Halloween.
Thanks Kimberly,
This wasn't even the shot I was looking for that night. Sometimes you just get lucky. I think it's my best cemetery pic to date.
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